Sunday, February 1, 2009


An Anoa is one of the smallest species of cattle, but are normally described as animals that look like deer with short legs. They belong to the Bovidae family and are mammals. Anoa are under the category of both buffalo and cattle, and can rarely be categorized by deer. Anoa have long horns that protrude straight out of the back of their heads. Male anoa are usually darker than females, with longer horns. There are two types of anoa, Mountain anoa and Lowland anoa. Anoa's are usually found in places such as Indonesia Sulawesi. They either live near sea level in swampy forests, or in high mountains. They live in pairs and feed on grass leaves, fruit, bark, shrubs, and herbs. The anoa is a threatened species, because not only are they hunted, but there habitat is also becoming ruined. Female anoa live up to between twenty and thirty years,but can start having calves at two years old. Anoa  give birth to only one calf once a year. Female anoa stay in gestation for approximately nine to ten months. When it comes to protecting its young the anoa is very dangerous.


Picture from:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stripped Rabbit

A new rabbit was just discovered in Asia. The stripped rabbit has just made its appearance, after years of being unknown.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Happy Holidays! In spite of the holidays I have added a special holiday movie about animals.

**Check it out next to the tool bar which is located on the left side of the page**

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Dolphin species*****

*On November 21st a new type of dolphin was found by DNA on the coast of Australia. Scientist thing that because dolphins emerged only between 5 and 2 million years ago many of the species along the Australian coast are undiscovered species. Most of these species look the same, because evolution hasn't gotten a chance to take charge because they emerged only between 5 million and 2 million years ago. If you have anymore amazing new discovery news, or you want me to put an article out about one of your discoveries then either e-mail me or leave a comment. If you want me to write an article on your discovery please leave your name, subject, and your e-mail.*


Shout Out

Hey guys this is Raina. I want everyone to know that I have seen all of your e-mails and comments. I want you to know that I have taken them into consideration.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Advice Column

If you need any advice on how to take care of an animal or what to do with missing animals or even animal abuse, clikc coments at thw bottom of this post. We will send you back advice on your subject and go intl further research with your subject. All you need to do is leave the animals type. The breed, and what you need advice for.

Monday, August 11, 2008

नो फुर कोअट्स

Hey It's *Raina*

If you speak English you probably don't know what this means. In Beijing this means no fur coats. A Beijing animal legend is being taken away. Fur coats are being made. They slaughter the animal (meaning take all of the skin off). Not only do they do that, but one rare fox doesn't make a full fur coat. A full coat takes about 3 fox. Fox aren't the only animals being skinned and slaughter. Rare white chinchilla's are being made into fur coats and yarn. The worst part about both of these animals being killed for fur,
1. They are rare animals
2.They leave the rest of the animals meat just lying on the ground for flies to eat.
3.We need to protest
I'm not saying we can't have fur coats, because they are beautiful and warm, but we can't be waisting them, and making too much. People are taking over the world. It was the animals world before, and it should still be theirs now. And in the future once people are gone it will probably belong to them then.
The point is I am not going to buy any coats with real fur for a long time, until I am convinced that they aren't making too much and hurting the animals. If you want to see a picture of what's left of an animal after it's skinned Google real fur coats and click on images.
C Ya

Ps. Picture comming shortly

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

अ मैगजीन अ magazine

Do you want to be in a magazine? If you do then enter a contest now. Haatw will have a magazine shortly, if you think you can draw well enough, enter the contest for a chance to get your drawing with your name under it. Enter now hurry. You can enter by e-mailing me at Take a picture of your drawing and e-mail it to us, or you can do something on adobe photo shop. Hurry the contest ends November 2nd. {you have a long time}.

Raina, Tyler, Alex

Monday, July 28, 2008


Haatw has a new contest. It's a picture contest. You can either use adobe photo shop on your computer and send it to us, or you caan draw it on a sheet of paper take a picture and then e-mail it. The winner of the contest gets to have their picture on the magazine. With thier name under. The picture has to be a picture of a part of nature or an animal. The picture can be in any design. To enter the contest you must become a member. To be a member, you must send at least five comments. See you later bye!


Sunday, June 8, 2008


Big Brown almost made a world record that hasn't been done for 30 years. Have you heard of Da' Tara? I hadn't but now hes the champ. Da' Tara beat a race that no one thought he could. But he sure showed them wrong. A triple crown, is when a horse races three times in five weeks. And also win the Kentucky Durby. The last horse to win the triple crown was named Affirmed. Affirmed ran in the year 1978. Some people believe that Big Brown was kicked by Da' Tara and injured. But I just believe that Big Brown wasn't running fast enough he was holding himself back. He's a fast horse but he just didn't want to show it. You could tell he was confident though. The first horse to win the triple crown was Sir Barton in 1919, then came Gallant Fox in 1930, then there was Omaha in 1935, War Admiral in 1937, Whirlaway in 1941, Count Fleet in 1943, and then theres was my favorite Assault in 1946, and we can't forget about Citation in 1948, and another brilliant horse Secretariat in 1973, Seattle Slew in 1977, and the last horse to win the triple crown was like we said Affirmed in 1978. The black horse to the left is Da'Tara the brown one is Big Brown.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Want To See More Post From Last Year?

If You do go down to the bottom of the page to the icon which says: older posts. Click on that which will show you other pages of Haatw.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Polar Bears

Did you know that the Polar Bear is the largest carnivore in the world. It's native land is the Arctic. It's main food is seal. An adult male weighs about 300-600 pounds. A female weighs about half that size. Polar Bears are dying of extinction. They are dying out because of the melting ice. Although they can swim, they are better on land than water. They can only swim about one mile which isn't a lot compared to their usual. Polar Bears are awsome! Check out the picture to the left.