Saturday, February 16, 2008


Do you like big birds like Ostriches? If you doyou'd love emu's they are smaller than Ostriches but have the same qualities, and body structure. Emu's are found in Austrailia and rarely Africa. The emu's name emu is latin for fast-foot. Emu's are very much like Cassowories. Emu's have three toes arranged for running. The Ostrich has only two toes. The less toes you have the faster you are. The largest an emu can reach up to is 6ft. 7 in., the Ostrich's largest is about 3 ft. more than the emu. Emu's are not meat eating animals. They only eat plants. They eat different plants according to the seasonal changes.Mater accurs in May or June and they reproduce in the winter between December and January. The eggs can way up to 900 grams. The female lays an average of 11 eggs. The myth of that the sun was made by throwing an emu's egg into the sky. The emu is one of the national birds of Austrailia. Emu's are really interesting!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Clown Fish

Clown fish are most comman in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Great Barrier Reef.Clown Fish live in corals only when anemone is not available, other wise they live in anemone. Did you know that anemone sting, so only the Clown Fish and the damselfish are able to go in without being stung. These fish are very important to the Ocean because anemone wuld have killed off all fo the other species by its' sting. But these fish can servive it.