Monday, December 31, 2007

Raffle For Animals

As you know, my name is Raina and my friend Tyler and I are having a raffle, if you want to be in the raffle for winning webkinz just e-mail me. You can get my e-mail from the other blogs. This organization is very active. The money goes to the animals. Bye!

Animals need Help!

Hi it's Raina again, we just wanted to say that we want animals to have a good life, that's why my friends and I are going around my neighborhood. We are raising money for large and small animals. We want everyone to be able to help, so you can e-mail us at with your name and how much money. The animals need our help. Shelters and other Habbitat's please help. $1.00 Could make a huge difference, and change the cruel world of animals to a better one. Look at the little guy to the side. The anmals can't always help themselves.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Most Endangered Animal

Did you know that the most endangered animal lives in southeast Asia and is called the red panda? He is the most extinct animal in the world. They are so endangered that you might not even have heard about them before, now they are very hard to find, and only one man has found one this year?! Here is a picture of what they look like.
Hi my name is Raina and Im Tyler and we just wanted to say that we both have websites about savng the world, but now we put them together to make one. So you can see both of our websites about the same category in one isn't that awsome

Fact Of The Day#4

Did you know that in about the year 2048 there will be no more ice in the arctic sea , and polar bears, musk oxen, arctic foxes, and even more beautiful animals of the icy state will be gone and whiped out, {extinct}. I worry that this will flood NJ, and NY if we don't hurry to stop it. Already polar bears are drowning because they sink threw the ice, since it is now very light and not as thick as it use to be. Polar Bears, and other Arctic animals will have to give up the old ways and try other ways to survive.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

पंडा Hotel

Hi it's Rana and there is new news for Haatw. My friend Tyler and I Raina who own haatw also own Panda Hotel. Panda Hotel tells mostly about pandas. We also just made a website is not all the way ready will be a website with a lot of animal games.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hi this is Raina again I just wanted to to make a big shout out to the invironmental teacher Mr.Lyon he sent me lot's of pictures that I will soon put on this web page. He just made a website too, his webite is called Greenweb to get to it go to With out the www. in the begining


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Look at that beautiful baby jaguar. This jaguar is probraly about a month or two months old.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Experiments at home

We are introducing you to an experiment that you can do at home. You can do a safe test on your two diffent species of furry pets at home. You'll need a brush, your two pets, vinegar, baking soda,oil, a microwave, two containers/test tubes, and lots of your pets loose/shedding hair. Here's how you do it. 1 Take the pet hair and put the different animal in a different testube than the other. 2 mix it with vinegar, olive oiil and then Baking soda. Once the Baking soda is in, watch it explode.3 Mix it severley for 1 minute. Put a top on the test tube and then turn it upside down. You Should be abl to make a lava lamp.After you are ready to change the color with food coloring if you wish. HAVE FUN BYE!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

11 new Species

Did you know that there is one new discovered snake, two new discovered butterflies and eight new species of plants. Scientist discovered these new species in a forest. For more information e-mail me at

Friday, September 28, 2007

Fact of the day#3

Did you know that rubbies are originaly green and turn red from different menerals?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Did you know their is a such thing as a bear/kangaroo that lives in Africa? He lives in the very tall trees. If you have a mix bread in mind contact us.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Answers? #2

The correct answer is Tiger the Tiger is actually the biggest cat. If you were right e-mail me with the date the poll ended and your e-mail adress so we can send you your prize. It is opptional to write your name or not. If we get your e-mail and you were right we will write about you winning if its ok with you. If you didn't win don't worry there's a nother poll like this comming up.
HAATW is trying to become a buisness so far there are only Raina and Tyler in it. Tyler and I started it and would like to make a successful buisness. We would love to have othe rpeople join. If you would like to help us make sure you e-mail me.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Answers will be announced on the dead-line of the poll if you are correct you will get a prise. If you are correct e-mail me the e-mail adress is below. Hope your correct and lucky bye.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sea Animals!!!!

Manatee's can way up to 1000 pounds. In South America there are not many left. Most of the time they get hit by big boats after they get hit they then drown. Some people kill sharks just for their teeth some people make soup out of their fins or tail,but then they throw the rest away. Did you know that a shark was just found swimming in shallow water at a New York beach. No one was hurt , but they helped the shark and pushed him out back into the sea. Foxface lo's have killed more people than a shark. Although they are only about an inch long they are very poisonis.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Lets Save The Animals!!!

My name is Raina. My friend Tyler and I would like to save animals all around the world. We would like to start in the Arctic then Asia, Africa, Austrailia, Europe, Antarctica, America and finish up with Mexico. Animals such as the polar bear or the panda bear are dying because of polution. Polar bears are dying because the ice in the arctic is melting and they aren't known as marine animals. We are trying to donate money to habbitat's also to food or other living supplies for the animals. If you would like to help please contact us. We are trying to get people to understand animals are just like people. They do have minds hearts and feelings. These animals can be very intelligent if you let them. Tyler and I would also like to train or tame dogs,cats,rabbits,or,any other small animal. If you would like to be a part of this please join by e-mailing us. If you become a member every year you will get a free stuffed animal of the one you choose. If your a member you will pay $20.00 per three months. More than two thirds of the money goes to the animals. The rest goes to zoos in need. You can quit being a member at any time. Every Saturday we try to have lemonade sales or something like that. If you have a lemonade sale and you want to send us the money please feel free to do so. If you have a dog or cat or any animal please take care of it. If you know someone who cuts down trees tell them to think about what they're doing though sometimes you have to. Please take care of your neighborhood too. We would like to also have a game website. You can contact us by our e-mail adress which is
Please help. The animals can't always help themselves.