Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Look at that beautiful baby jaguar. This jaguar is probraly about a month or two months old.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Experiments at home

We are introducing you to an experiment that you can do at home. You can do a safe test on your two diffent species of furry pets at home. You'll need a brush, your two pets, vinegar, baking soda,oil, a microwave, two containers/test tubes, and lots of your pets loose/shedding hair. Here's how you do it. 1 Take the pet hair and put the different animal in a different testube than the other. 2 mix it with vinegar, olive oiil and then Baking soda. Once the Baking soda is in, watch it explode.3 Mix it severley for 1 minute. Put a top on the test tube and then turn it upside down. You Should be abl to make a lava lamp.After you are ready to change the color with food coloring if you wish. HAVE FUN BYE!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

11 new Species

Did you know that there is one new discovered snake, two new discovered butterflies and eight new species of plants. Scientist discovered these new species in a forest. For more information e-mail me at