One day a little boy was walking in the woods, when he came to a dead end. In the middle of the dead end was a sign that said,’’ Be ware of the Moun’a: n The sign was unfinished and looked like it had been ripped off. He couldn’t tell what the sign said, but later, he found himself on his back looking into the eyes of Jennifer and Markese, a married couple. The boy found himself with a cold compress on his knee from the fall. The couple asked the boy his name and he responded,’’ My name is Richard. Where am I?’’ He looked at the tall rainforest trees above him.’’ He had wandered too far and was not near home at all. He noticed that his apparel was ripped and torn. He felt very scared and besieged, and he denounced himself for his fall. He then remembered what had happened. He slipped off the tip of a mountain.
“So that’s what the sign said,’’ he murmured to himself. He later found out that Jennifer and Markese’s rainforest home was just like a regular town. The day after Richard had fallen, Jennifer and Markese made a deal with Richard that every day they would find out one thing about him.
One day he was feeling homesick and dispatched a letter home saying that he was safe and missed all of his family very much. Richard got a job as a Veterinarian for monkeys in the rainforest. When he came back the whole town was in flames. Richard didn’t know what to do so he got the big safety kit from the house closest to the middle of the town and quickly doused out the fire. By the time he got in to see Jennifer and Markese it was too late. Richard cried he hadn’t even gotten to say good-bye and thanks. After about three days, the young boys who were left were famished, and set out on a journey to find food for everyone.
On the way to their destination Richard and his friend Robert found a little wolf pup in the corner of a cave where the boys stopped to rest. It looked like the pup’s mother had forsaken the little puppy. Richard felt bad for the wolf pup, and could relate to what he was feeling. Richard hadn’t seen his parents in years now. The thought of it brought tears to his eyes. He though the pup might be gainfully used as a hunter. It would be an advantage for the group and Richard. In the summer of 1998, the wolf was already immense, with huge teeth, but still very cute. The wolf was inept when it came to hunting. For wolves, hunting is very important when they aren’t in captivity. After training the wolf, he became an ingenious hunter.
One late night in October, Richard heard a loud wolf cry from the other side of the small town. He went outside, scared at first, but knowing that his wolf was there made him feel safe. Richard looked up and saw a big pack of wolves with yellow glowing eyes staring at him. Usually the wolf would attack but this time he didn’t. The Wolf went over to the wolf pack and then looked at Richard as if to say, “This is where I belong.” Richard was heart broken when he called the wolf’s name and he didn’t respond. He new it was what was right for the wolf. He picked up a collar that he was working on for the wolf, placed it around his neck and said, “This is yours, I will always love you. Good-bye.” Instantaneously the wolf that Richard had called Sunny and the rest of the pack was gone.
All the boys in the rainforest town irked Richard because they were making fun of him because of his sorrow. Every night he had flashbacks of when he found the pup over a year ago. Because Sunny was no longer there he felt misgivings. People though he was an oaf now that he was alone. He hunted for his own repasts Now that Sunny wasn’t there, his life was tough.
Thirteen years later when Richard had a wife and his own family living in his home town away from the rainforest, he saw a familiar face walking in the woods. He looked at the collar around it’s neck and new that it was Sunny. He had finally been able to see Sunny again. Sunny’s pack let him go because of his lousy skills. Most of the time he was good, but not good enough. And together Sunny and Richard lived happily together with their families forever.
*Raina Simone Henderson*