An Anoa is one of the smallest species of cattle, but are normally described as animals that look like deer with short legs. They belong to the Bovidae family and are mammals. Anoa are under the category of both buffalo and cattle, and can rarely be categorized by deer. Anoa have long horns that protrude straight out of the back of their heads. Male anoa are usually darker than females, with longer horns. There are two types of anoa, Mountain anoa and Lowland anoa. Anoa's are usually found in places such as Indonesia Sulawesi. They either live near sea level in swampy forests, or in high mountains. They live in pairs and feed on grass leaves, fruit, bark, shrubs, and herbs. The anoa is a threatened species, because not only are they hunted, but there habitat is also becoming ruined. Female anoa live up to between twenty and thirty years,but can start having calves at two years old. Anoa give birth to only one calf once a year. Female anoa stay in gestation for approximately nine to ten months. When it comes to protecting its young the anoa is very dangerous.