Hey It's *Raina*
If you speak English you probably don't know what this means. In Beijing this means no fur coats. A Beijing animal legend is being taken away. Fur coats are being made. They slaughter the animal (meaning take all of the skin off). Not only do they do that, but one rare fox doesn't make a full fur coat. A full coat takes about 3 fox. Fox aren't the only animals being skinned and slaughter. Rare white chinchilla's are being made into fur coats and yarn. The worst part about both of these animals being killed for fur,
1. They are rare animals
2.They leave the rest of the animals meat just lying on the ground for flies to eat.
3.We need to protest
I'm not saying we can't have fur coats, because they are beautiful and warm, but we can't be waisting them, and making too much. People are taking over the world. It was the animals world before, and it should still be theirs now. And in the future once people are gone it will probably belong to them then.
The point is I am not going to buy any coats with real fur for a long time, until I am convinced that they aren't making too much and hurting the animals. If you want to see a picture of what's left of an animal after it's skinned Google real fur coats and click on images.
C Ya
Ps. Picture comming shortly
1 comment:
I just would like to say this is a great article; skinning animals is wrong. But also, if we keep doing this, when WE'RE gone, they probably won't be here either. Thus making the world belong to no one at all.
Thank you and you can e-mail me at OswaldMickey@gmail.com.
P.S. I think you know who I am! Just which around the names. (But don't tell anyone!)
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